Apply with DevfolioTHEME: Develop a blockchain based solution that enables identity verification without actually storing the raw identity document data in the verification system’s data store.
PII (Personally Identifiable Information) is coming into play in many business scenarios for identification, authentication etc. There are several entities that need to validate identity of a person. It is not feasible for the verifying entities to have identity document data stored in their system to cater to the verification due to following reasons. Firstly typically the verifier entity doesn’t issue the identity document and secondly there are several entities that verify; thirdly there several id documents each issued by different entity; fourthly such storage increases risk of data leaks because the attack surface is getting bigger for the hacker. But instant verification needs such data availability. What is sought in this exercise is implementation that caters to the instant verification without the verifying system storing raw data. Develop solutions referring to (not limited to) the below domains: (Solution domains not included below but serving the theme are encouraged. Use below resources to come up with innovation solutions. Solutions can be both Hardware & Software in nature.)
- -Identity card verification in airport, bank, several secure areas. The verifier should be able to cross check if the id document produced by the subject is a valid one or a fake one
- -Multiple identity documents (driving license, passport, Voter id card, Ration card…) each created by different entity
- -Systems of the identity document issuing entities may not be up24x7 and may not have APIs that can be invoked to get/verify some information
-About blockchain:
- About hashing: